Welcome to High Ridge Meadows Farm
We want to express our sincere gratitude to all who attended our Yarn in the Barn event! It was so great to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new friends. We truly hope you had a wonderful time, just as we did. We are deeply grateful for your continued support of our local small business. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

High Ridge Meadows Farm is a small, family-run, organic farm in the hills of East Randolph, Vermont. Our goal is to raise healthy, nutritious food: grass fed, organically raised beef and lamb, as well as pastured chicken, farm fresh eggs, maple syrup and produce. We raise all of our animals naturally, with kindness, using organic standards.
Since 2010 we have been proud to be certified organic by Vermont Organic Farmers, the certifying agent for the National Organic Farmers Association. We highly respect and value the association and we are committed to organic farming, for ourselves and the good of the planet. However, for various reasons, we have made the decision not to re-certify this year. We continue to manage our farm using the organic practices to which we have always adhered. We continue to be a grass based farm, grazing in the warmer months and feeding organic hay in the winter.
We are also shifting out of direct wholesale marketing (sides and whole beef) and concentrating on livestock sales, retail meat and other farm products. This year our herd of cattle and sheep is smaller and for the foreseeable future, we will strive to maintain just the number of livestock that we can manage on our own acreage. With the recent droughts, and looking forward to uncertain climate changes, we feel this is the most responsible thing to do. We continue to support VOF and are proud to have been certified organic by them for all these years.
Our practices will not change. We believe in clean, chemical and hormone free food for ourselves and for all of us. Thank you for supporting us and we look forward to providing healthy, organically and ethically raised food for ourselves and our community.
Our cattle and sheep rotationally graze our organic pastures and drink the same well water as we do. Our chickens and ducks happily wander where they might during the daylight hours and come home to the coop in the barn to roost as the light wanes. We strive to give all of our animals a comfortable, healthy life with room to roam and we are thankful for all they give us.